Monday, 18 June 2012

Examinations and Preparations

Alright, we all have been through some examinations in our lives but several people have been through a lot and I might not be in there category.
Reliving those examination periods made me put ink to paper and talk about some practices from the old school days.
As in the previous two or three posts, my thought is in a poem form. As usual, bear with my poetry.
Since it is very likely you have a question or two, I will be waiting for your comments at the end of the reading.
My sincere success wishes in your next examination and the current one.

The time is coming and is near
The hour is almost here
When the day is filled with hustling
And the books not free of rustling
When vigil will be order of the night.
Then it will be battle of sounds and sights
When what was seen is to be written,
When what was read will not be in red
Except for the men from the other side.

Examinees on this side
Examiners on the other
‘simple ones’ this side like
‘tougher ones’ the other prefer.

When it comes to trade of words
It is trade by batter.
When it comes to this war,
Pens are the battering rams.

Despite all these, the battle is often won by the most prepared
And the unprepared often peppered
But sometimes this battle is not won by the mighty
And it’s often said “how the mighty have fallen”
When this happen, then we can say
“it is not by power nor by might”
But by what?
A spirit of ‘runs’, ‘orijo’ or by that,
the Spirit which was said by God.

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