Monday, 17 December 2012

Be Exceptional. Be a Go-Giver

Don’t just be a go-getter, ladies and gentlemen, the world is already full of them, and paradoxically it is evidently clear what they can offer.

Don’t just be a go-getter – a pacesetter, in the usual sense of the word – we all know, except for the ‘exceptional’ goal-getters themselves, how far ahead they have gone.

You too be exceptional. Be exceptionally exceptional, in not just being a go-getter, but also a go-giver.
The world can make do with a little kindness. Not just earning, gaining and receiving, but also a little giving will be ‘exceptional’ and appreciated.

Maybe the little plus that you need in your company is that widow’s mite.
Yes the ‘widow’s mite’. We don’t always have enough, do we? So, that little from the ‘not-enough’ will do the trick.

Such act once worked miracle for a widow before and the next person the trick works for will be the man, the woman, single or married, young or old who works the trick.

Isn’t it wonderful that we all have that little even in our dire and strait situations to do the trick?

The wonder starts with not just being a pace-setting, goal-getting and a ‘dare-devilish’ go-getter but by also being a simple and a humble go-giver.

Try that today. No. Don’t try. Do a bit of going out of your way today, this week and give something to a soul today.

Never make the mistake of thinking, saying or acting like you have no something, that is, nothing. If you do, that something you say is nothing will be taken away from you.

You truly have something for somebody. Go give that something to that somebody and be exceptional.

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