I am an advocate of the fact that no one is dumb. But to deny the fact
that some are smarter, is dumb. There are 3 traditional ways of getting a
message from the Horn of Africa into Cape-Town, South Africa. You travel 1. by
land, 2. on the Indian Ocean, or 3. by air. Our generation is well aware that
there are better ways of getting the message across. Make an international
call, at almost no cost, compared to the huge cost of traveling. Or the smarter
way; send an e-mail, or the smartest yet, chat. Instant messaging they call it.
How appropriate.
For a student to live in this generation, and yet not appropriate the
available resources optimally, is to work 'dumb'. You are intelligent, agreed,
but why are you playing down your intelligence? Step up your game
intelligently, use technology.
The good and the bad. The peak of technology have it's base on the
Internet. The internet is what you make of it. How you use your internet access
is a more significant factor to how smart you work.
So, should I start by telling you how to use the internet, when I did
not tell you in the first place how to locate this writing on the internet?
Surely you know your ways around this web. More than your being internet savvy,
how do you use your time around the internet?
I am talking largely on the use of the internet, not because it is the
only technology, but because it is Technology, and probably all there is to
technology for most. Ask anyone, what is a smartphone, most will connect the
advantage with the ability to 'smartly' connect the internet. iPads? Super fast
highway to the... you fill in the gap.
The greatest downside of the internet to many is distractions, and to
many more, information overload. I want to know as much as wikipedia, but what
a joke! And then, this other information the details of which I want to know...
oh my, where did I left off? Such is the way the internet is.
Hey! Break it down. That is what chunking is. Do you have an assignment
too big for you to attempt at a go? Break it down. Learn to live a day at a
time. “Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” So break today's
trouble down.
Apply your arithmetic, use that
division ( ∕ ), break the task into chunks you can manage. Knowing how
best to chunk and not damage the whole comes with practice, so set your back to
it and chunk away.
Study but always try and teach the little you know,
“What I kept I lost,what I spent I had, what I gave I have” - Persian
The best way to have is to give, and you cannot give what you don't
have. How do you have in the first place? Studying. Good, you have studied, but
what you now hold is not yet yours fully. To make it yours, you have to give it
So to have complete mastery of what you have studied, teach it. What you
are happy about knowing, some out there are sorry they ever have to study the
same thing. Reach out to them and you help them out ( of which you feel good
about), they know it, and you master it. It is a smart thing masters do.
Ask Questions:
You will never forget your own
questions hurriedly, and you are not likely to forget the answer you receive
for every sincere questions asked in the bid to learn. Besides, masters know
that they will never have time to study many things on their own, but they get
the benefit of other peoples research, by asking them questions.
Therefore, it is possible to get the benefit of many year work by asking
a question, in a few minutes. Inability to speak (ask questions) is the
genesis of all ill-luck - says my best English teacher. It is a smart
thing to do. You may look like a fool for 5 minutes, but you become a master and
an achiever for life.
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